Why does a simple tune make me feel so pained, so hurt? ... making no sense....
You were the primrose, .... the paradigm of all angels...
I amn't sure how I came to feel about you this way
but dreamt that you could rearrange my life into a comfy mess.
How just the smallest of words from you could every time lead my soul astray...
Every smile you have given me, every word you ever said...
echoes on in me... eternally...ringing in my head
How then did you become a never-ending conundrum?
I thought you loved me... but then felt like it was slowly waning.
You went away forever ... even before I could realise...
My every dream got crushed, eroding me every time, each time.. anew.
Damn, I have now forgotten the simple art of living...
I force a laugh and goodness, it hurts, to be alive!