Often it's the first step (towards a new beginning) that is the most difficult one. Sometimes we get too nervous and at times we even get pulled away by the voices of self-doubt. Even though we would be knowing that we were stuck in ruts but still we would feel too scared to take risks. No doubt stepping out of our comfort zone to try out things that we have never done before is not that easy. But then, has anyone ever attained any success without taking a risk?
Ever since I can remember, food has always been my first love. And starting a restaurant of my own had been one dream that I had nurtured all along since my childhood days. I remember how as a child, I would keenly observe my mother effortlessly creating magic with her dishes. And it was she who ignited a passion for cooking in me and so I aspired to become a good cook like her one day. Her love for us reflected in the taste of the delectable dishes that she cooked. I too wanted to emulate her, I too wanted to cook for people and draw happiness from them. So the time that I was at home, half of it used to be spent in the kitchen, though I did more watching than cooking. But on Sundays, Mummy would allow me to cook a few easy dishes myself even as she would be guiding me all along. And thus my passion for cooking grew stronger with each cooking session with Mummy. With utmost dedication, I set to learning everything I could about Indian cooking and it wasn’t long before I could cook even the seemingly difficult Mughlai dishes, even though I was still a very young child. I remember how I used to note down all the recipes from mummy as well as from the cookery shows that were shown on various TV channels. I also used to collect recipes from newspapers and magazines so that I could try them out and if possible, give my own twists to them.
But then as I grew up and got into higher classes, my love for the computers and technology trumped my passion for cooking and thus I couldn't even realise when my dream of opening my own restaurant had got sent to the back-burner. After schooling, eventually I got into engineering and upon successful completion of the course, I also got placed in a multinational software company of my liking. But though it was paying me well and I was liking my job too but still I wasn't entirely happy with my life. I always felt like I was missing something. Probably because after having worked in the same environment for seven long years, I had got bored of the routine life and the job too. "But then, if I were to leave my secured job, what else would I do?" I would often think. Every now and then though, I would get reminded of my childhood dream as and when I used to indulge in a bit of cooking during the weekends. There were several times when I seriously thought over quitting my job and instead investing all my time and energy on setting up my own restaurant. However, fears, something or the other, would stop me from moving ahead with the decision. I knew that there was no point in continuing with a job that I was no longer enjoying, I had very well understood by then that I was only dragging myself on with the job and that it wasn't giving me any satisfaction whatsoever. But I was scared of taking the risk and quitting it for my childhood dream. I had also got used to the easy lifestyle and comforts of a well-paying job that I wasn't keen to give them up all. I was surely confused.
That's when I sought the advice of my inner voice and yet again like he has always done, he gave me the right direction with his very simple thought process -- "If you aren't loving it, there is no point in continuing in your current job, no matter how well it pays you. You have got only one life to live and I am sure you wouldn't want to regret later on in your life when you get old that you never tried even once to fulfill your long cherished dream. So go and make at least one honest attempt at it". I was truly enthused and encouraged by his words, and at once I decided to quit my IT job and instead pulled myself up to chase my childhood dream of opening my own restaurant. It wasn't easy by at any stage but then I persevered and never gave anything less than my 100%. Fortune smiled at me and in less than six months, I succeeded in starting my own themed restaurant at Bhubaneswar. Now when I see people enjoying our food and paying us with not just money but also with their smiles, I feel really rich.
So guys, if you too are stuck in your comfort zones and so have been ignoring and pushing back your plans and dreams like I had done, out of fear of uncertainty, then fear not. Just remove all self-doubts from your mind and have faith on yourself. Take the leap and go, get your dream. #StartANewLife
Le Mot Juste: Go for it!
This blog post is an entry for the "Start A New Life" topic #StartANewLife organised by Housing.