I Will Paint It My Way |
A palette of colours,
A freshly-dipped paintbrush,
and a virgin white canvas...
My picture I will paint...
Yearning for a rainbow world,
My imagination is my canvas,
And emotions are my colours,
I will paint my world the way I want it to be,
forever gleaming and glistening...
If the bristles of my brush become worn and frayed,
I will dip my fingers into the multitude of colours
and will keep spreading colors unrestrained...
a medley of blue and cream and lush green,
yellow and crimson and also pink.
but I won't let my palette go empty,
I won't keep my canvas blank...
A new set of dreams to achieve,
My exuberance be my fuel...
My wings I have unfurled,
and now I will remain skybound...
I will paint it my way
And will create my own gallery.