Sometimes I get so full and high on everything and anything that I can forget what is really important...
The little things matter. Definitely.
Of course, depending upon how one perceives those little things...
Like I love looking at faces of people in the dark inside the cinema hall,
I love dipping my hands inside a rack of rice grains or pulses,
I love throwing stones in a slanting motion so that the stones would rebound and somehow dance on the water's surface...
I love pressing and breaking the plastic bubble wrap packets.. and I love the sound when they break.
I love to eat five-star, bar-one and dairy milk chocolates and when they stick onto my lips and teeth, I so love sticking my tongue in and out to lick them up.
And though it's irritating to watch in the old movies, the protagonist inside the car not looking at the road ahead, and to be singing and driving, lost in his thoughts and yet never meeting with an accident but I love it when I come across those scenes on TV. It becomes pretty obvious in the very first frame that the protagonist was actually sitting in a stationary car and is only shown with a moving road in the background! And yet I somehow love seeing them on screen, they look so outrageously funny.
And I love watching the dancers in the background more than the lead dancer in a movie song or during a live performance, how they often dance better and with more enthusiasm than the lead dancer.