HAPPINESS is making people I love laugh until they can't breathe...
it's being with family; it is being there for someone who has no one else
it's getting a phone call or a message from the person I was just thinking about....
it's getting to hold in arms a drooling and chubby-cheeked baby...
it's learning something new and exciting..
it's smiling at people I don't know on the road...
it's when my friends call me up just because they
felt like talking to me...
it's being so tired that getting a seat in a crowded bus or the metro for a few minutes is an absolute luxury
it's laying on the grass in a park and watching all the people go by.
it's going for a shower and coming back to find of having received 5 SMSes in those 10 minutes span!
Happiness is getting a spontaneous tight hug on meeting a dear one.
it is dreaming of what could be and planning to make it happen...
it is watching unexpected plot twists in movies
it's waking up suddenly in the middle of the night and having cold kheer taken out from the fridge.
It's the smell of wet earth after the first rains or taking a walk after it has rained... feeling wet grass beneath my bare feet...
it's coming across good lyrics in a song that touch the heart as if they were written for me...
it is listening to my favourite songs and being totally at peace with myself,
it's the smell of incense sticks in a dimly lit room ...
it's having a hand in my hand...
it's being spontaneous and not caring about what people think..
it's licking the top of my ice cream cone...
it's watching tiny fishes swimming around in a river or a pond in village..
it's the secret pleasure we all get from sneezing,
it's talking to strangers just about anything...
it's staying up until 3 am late night to read a good book in one go...
and it's being oneself no matter what....
.......... happiness is actually being alive to appreciate all of these.