Not every child is born as fortunate and advantaged as we were. Those from the economically poorer backgrounds face a lot of hardships and hindrances as far as attaining education is concerned. Obviously when there are so many people out there living in abject poverty who don't even have a roof over their heads, who sleep on the pavements under the open sky, who earn so little that they virtually have a hand-to-mouth existence, they can hardly afford paying for their children's education. So, often it becomes practically impossible for them to continue sending their children to schools, leave alone sending them to colleges for higher education. And thus many a bright careers and dreams get crushed to death abruptly. Some even more unfortunate kids don't even get to enter schools ever!
But still, there have so many inspiring examples of bright students who, despite facing several mounting obstacles in pursuing education, fight against all odds and go on to achieve their dreams and fulfill their aspirations by the sheer dint of their determination and hard labour. Nothing gladdens my heart more than coming across the news of someone from the economically disadvantaged background, making it to the top despite all the adversities and thus showing us a true fortitude. One such inspiring true story that I came across in Hindustan Times recently is that of Sudhir Kumar from Bihar, who successfully cleared one of the toughtest entrance exams in India -- the IIT JEE Mains exam. Having appeared the entrance exam myself, I can vouch for the fact how tough it is to clear the entrance exam.
Life was never easy growing up. Sudhir's father, the sole bread-earner, is a cobbler and feeds his family by repairing shoes on the foothpath. Alongside preparing for the IIT Exam, on and off, Sudhir also used to sit alongside his father assisting him in his work to add to his family's income. But despite all odds, he always nurtured his dream of becoming an engineer and never lost sight of his focus. He always believed that only hard work can spell success. And today he has successfully marched ahead towards his goal. No one perhaps would be more happy than his family today and understandably so. I wish Sudhir keeps on performing the same way all through his engineering career and ends up with a good paying job.
He has aptly proved Harry Golden's words, "The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work".